Despite being 7 years on from the adoption of the Basingstoke Local Plan, a site is still to come forward to meet its identified storage and distribution need of 122,000m2.

The Council is now preparing a Local Plan Update (2023-2040) that shows substantial growth to the south west of Basingstoke. We are pleased to see that Oakdown Farm is proposed for allocation in this document under Policy SS3.19. Similarly, the adjacent land forms the Southern Manydown draft allocation under Policy SS3.4.

Newlands has been working closely with the Hampshire Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust and neighbouring landowners, to ensure a collaborative and complementary approach to delivering Basingstoke’s growth aspirations as set out in the emerging Local Plan Update. This has involved detailed discussions with all parties to agree the principle of the size and location of the new roundabout on the A30.

The roundabout and the wider improvements to the surrounding road network, funded by Newlands, will provide an access that will assist in unlocking the wider Southern Manydown allocation in the future.

Photograph of Newlands’ Rugby Gateway development,
7 years into growth

Joint statement from Newlands Developments and the Hampshire Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust

Newlands’ proposals for Oakdown Farm play a role in delivering the wider, long-term ambitions for Basingstoke. The proposed new roundabout and the wider improvements to the surrounding highway network within Newlands’ plans have been designed to enable early and future development on Southern Manydown to come forward.

Newlands, the Hampshire Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust and the adjacent landowner are in ongoing dialogue to ensure that all of the potential uses across Oakdown Farm and Southern Manydown can come forward together and complement one another.

The early delivery of enabling infrastructure funded by Newlands through the Oakdown Farm proposals will ultimately help facilitate the wider Southern Manydown proposals in the emerging Local Plan which include a potential new hospital together with residential and employment uses.